2 min readAug 8, 2021


Posing in Bondage — Japanese Breakfast Music Video

I’ve been wanting to write about this music video since the first time I watched it. I just start to listen to JB a week ago, and I become obsessed with its new album ‘Jubilee’. I love every song of the album, and this is one particular among them.

I roughly remember what Michelle said about this song, it’s about the constant longing for others. The MV, beautifully filmed and portrayed a story to even better raise it to a higher place. It tells of a scarred and tired person meeting a stranger at the grocery store in the late hours. In Michelle’s original words, she said “no place felt lonelier than an empty grocery at 1 am”

From Michelle’s appearance, she can be seen riding a hoverboard, dressed in black bat suite, with blood all over her mouth, like a ghost. When she entered a gloomy grocery store, she found that it was almost empty. You can see her confused and sad eyes, and her big watery eyes are open, as if she was traumatized (if you go to the MV of her another song, Savage Goodboy, you will find that she killed the title’s person). Then she held a large bottle of orange juice and started drinking, wandering in the empty room.

It seems she is trapped here and something can never be waited for its coming. Later she found the cashier who was still in the store and was eating her own instant noodles. She saw her and shared her instant noodles with her.

I like this story very much, which combined with music to show its emotional flow. ‘Closeness, Proximity, I need it, Bondage’. This lyric is the core of the whole work. At the beginning, we could see Michelle’s extremely melancholy and disappointed eyes. When she sang the lyrics above for the first time, I thought it was what a person looked like in a state of extreme loneliness. Later, when the plot and music changed, she smiled and became relieved. I like the glittering notes appearing in the later part of the song, which feel like hope and make me cry too. The company of another person is really important sometimes. It’s a blessing to receive response for what you long for.

In short it moved me so much. Love everything about this MV. Hope anyone interested can go to her band’s YouTube channel to watch it.

#japanesebreakfast #posinginbondage

